Step into a
world of insight.
Oculo transforms data captured on site into valuable insights that streamline workflows, reduce risk, and save time. All you need to do is switch on our camera, and step in.
Trusted by leaders in construction.

(construction) park.
Simply grab your 360˚ camera, go on your routine site walk, and let Oculo’s AI accurately capture and map every detail—above and beneath the surface—to your models and drawings.
Effortlessly compare visual records side-by-side within a digital twin of your site as you review historical conditions, verify progress, check alignment to design, and raise or address issues on any spot.
Turn time-consuming inspections into efficient virtual walkthroughs. With your Oculo digital twin, you’ll be able to run site meetings, streamline technical discussions, and align subcontractor meetings more productively, and even remotely.
See-through progress.
Breakthrough success.
(construction) park.
Simply grab your 360˚ camera, go on your routine site walk, and let Oculo’s AI accurately capture and map every detail—above and beneath the surface—to your models and drawings.
Simply grab your 360˚ camera, go on your routine site walk, and let Oculo’s AI accurately capture and map every detail—above and beneath the surface—to your models and drawings.
Simply grab your 360˚ camera, go on your routine site walk, and let Oculo’s AI accurately capture and map every detail—above and beneath the surface—to your models and drawings.

I feel listened to. It’s been a two-way street. We are making changes and developing the system together not only for the better of us, but for the whole industry.
Chris Wallace
Construction Director, Lovell Partnerships

Having Oculo’s 360˚ visuals is a massive benefit to us as a business. When issues arise we want to be 100% sure that we’ve done everything right and your system underpins that.
Senior Operations Manager
Willmott Dixon

Oculo provides a solution that's easy to use. I think they are harnessing digital technologies incredibly well into an industry sector construction that's typically fairly basic in its utilization of digital platforms. They don't overcomplicate. The product is simple to use and set up.
Senior Project Manager

I can see, and demonstrate, exactly what had been done when. Once everybody knows what the tool can do, the whole mindset shifts to become more collaborative and transparent

Dave Meldrum
Meldrum Group CEO
construction leaders.
Discover what insight-powered decision-making means to you.
Evidenzgestützte Entscheidungsfindung in Aktion.
Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon begann erstmals, Oculo bei einem Fassadenrenovierungsprojekt an einem Hochhaus in Nordlondon zu verwenden. Die Arbeiten umfassten die Entfernung der bestehenden Fassade und die Installation einer neuen Fassadenkonstruktion, einschließlich Halterungen, Dämmung, Brandschutz und Fassadenpaneelen.

Meldrum Construction Services Group Ltd (Meldrum Group) ist ein führendes Bauunternehmen mit Sitz im Nordosten Englands, das seit jeher eine Vorreiterrolle bei der Einführung innovativer Lösungen spielt. Bekannt für "Baulösungen mit Integrität", ist das Wachstum des Unternehmens in erster Linie auf Wiederholungsaufträge zurückzuführen...

HB Reavis baut den Varso Tower, das höchste Bürogebäude in der EU, und sie nutzen Oculo, um ihnen zu helfen. Mit Dutzenden von Subunternehmern und Hunderten von Arbeitern vor Ort ist Dokumentation und Koordination entscheidend für den Projekterfolg.

Lovell optimiert den Bau mit KI-gestütztem Fortschritts-Tracking. Lovell, ein britisches Bauunternehmen, nutzt Oculo, um Prozesse zu optimieren und die Anforderungen des Building Safety Act zu erfüllen. Oculo erfasst Projektdaten für einen "goldenen Faden", verbessert die Compliance und spart Zeit.

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