Maximise oversight over your full portfolio.
Manage risk, ensure compliance, and maintain project momentum across multiple projects with unprecedented visibility.

25% reduction in site visits for central teams
Our 360˚ site capture creates a digital twin of your site with comprehensive records of construction progress, enabling senior management to easily gain insight into the project at any stage.

60+ trade teams coordinated weekly
Use your 360˚ digital twin and comprehensive site history to remotely manage quality and collaborate with architects, designers, engineers, and contractors.

With your 360˚ digital twin and comprehensive site history, you’ll be able to effortlessly report and boost your credibility among lenders and investors.
25% reduction in site visits for central teams

60+ trade teams coordinated weekly

Our 360˚ site capture creates a digital twin of your site with comprehensive records of construction progress, enabling senior management to easily gain insight into the project at any stage.
Use your 360˚ digital twin and comprehensive site history to remotely manage quality and collaborate with architects, designers, engineers, and contractors.
With your 360˚ digital twin and comprehensive site history, you’ll be able to effortlessly report and boost your credibility among lenders and investors.
Constructive insights for data-informed construction.
Simply switch on your 360˚ camera, go on your routine site walk, and let it passively capture every area you visit—including details hidden behind walls, ceilings, and panels.
We don’t simply send you a camera and wish you good luck—you can count on us to train and assist your teams, while enhancing Oculo to bring you even more constructive insights.
Oculo automatically geolocates your captured data to your site drawings, creating a comprehensive, continuous 360˚ visual history that you can easily access anywhere.
Every Oculo solution is built with simplicity and ease of use in mind, delivering advanced, high-value features while requiring minimal prep and setup.
Evidenzgestützte Entscheidungsfindung in Aktion.
Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon first started using Oculo on a cladding refurbishment project on a high-rise residential block in north London. The work involved the removal of existing cladding and installation of new cladding build up including construction paper, bracketry, insulation, fire breaks and cladding panels.

Willmott Dixon begann erstmals, Oculo bei einem Fassadenrenovierungsprojekt an einem Hochhaus in Nordlondon zu verwenden. Die Arbeiten umfassten die Entfernung der bestehenden Fassade und die Installation einer neuen Fassadenkonstruktion, einschließlich Halterungen, Dämmung, Brandschutz und Fassadenpaneelen.

Meldrum Construction Services Group Ltd (Meldrum Group) ist ein führendes Bauunternehmen mit Sitz im Nordosten Englands, das seit jeher eine Vorreiterrolle bei der Einführung innovativer Lösungen spielt. Bekannt für "Baulösungen mit Integrität", ist das Wachstum des Unternehmens in erster Linie auf Wiederholungsaufträge zurückzuführen...

HB Reavis baut den Varso Tower, das höchste Bürogebäude in der EU, und sie nutzen Oculo, um ihnen zu helfen. Mit Dutzenden von Subunternehmern und Hunderten von Arbeitern vor Ort ist Dokumentation und Koordination entscheidend für den Projekterfolg.

Lovell optimiert den Bau mit KI-gestütztem Fortschritts-Tracking. Lovell, ein britisches Bauunternehmen, nutzt Oculo, um Prozesse zu optimieren und die Anforderungen des Building Safety Act zu erfüllen. Oculo erfasst Projektdaten für einen "goldenen Faden", verbessert die Compliance und spart Zeit.

Nehmen Sie Oculo mit auf die Baustelle.
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