How Ringway Jacobs used Oculo to remotely manage the project

Remote working
was enabled overnight
20-30 hrs
of meeting time saved
Faster triaging
of issues

Oculo helped us provide the site experience, but from behind the desk. It’s like being there without being there.
Major Projects Manager
Ringway Jacobs
Watch how Ringway Jacobs used Oculo to remotely manage the project
Ringway Jacobs started using Oculo as the Covid-19 pandemic hit in March 2020. The company specialises in transport infrastructure and they needed to make an almost overnight switch to remote working in order to continue work on critical projects and keep London open for key workers.
Being able to cut down that physical presence onsite has had such a huge impact on their business that the new technology-enabled ways of working have now become the norm on many projects.
Business impact
- Enables remote working, minimising number of people onsite
- Allows virtual site inspections
- Gives more up-to-date view of site conditions and progress
- Great aide-memoire post visit
- Faster triaging of issues as a result of real-time collaboration
- Promotes greater trust and transparency when platform shared with other stakeholders
- Other unexpected use cases identified eg safety inductions
- Quick and simple to get started
- Time & cost savings made make it great value for money
We’re engineers, we need special awareness and visual imagery to manage what we’re doing. Oculo helped us provide exactly that.
Watch full webinar to hear Ringway Jacobs and Transport for London discuss the impact Oculo on their projects:
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